Github API - Test Config

PullRequestReviewThread [object]

A threaded list of comments for a given pull request.


Node [interface]

An object with an ID.

id ID

ID of the object.

Github GraphQL API
comments PullRequestReviewCommentConnection

PullRequestReviewCommentConnection [object]

The connection type for PullRequestReviewComment.


A list of edges.

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

A list of pull request comments associated with the thread.

diffSide DiffSide

DiffSide [enum]

The possible sides of a diff.

Possible values

The left side of the diff.


The right side of the diff.

Github GraphQL API

The side of the diff on which this thread was placed.

id ID

ID [scalar]

The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

Github GraphQL API

The Node ID of the PullRequestReviewThread object

isCollapsed Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Whether or not the thread has been collapsed (resolved)

isOutdated Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Indicates whether this thread was outdated by newer changes.

isResolved Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Whether this thread has been resolved

line Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

The line in the file to which this thread refers

originalLine Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

The original line in the file to which this thread refers.

originalStartLine Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

The original start line in the file to which this thread refers (multi-line only).

path String

String [scalar]

The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

Github GraphQL API

Identifies the file path of this thread.

pullRequest PullRequest

PullRequest [object]

A repository pull request.

activeLockReason LockReason

Reason that the conversation was locked.

additions Int

The number of additions in this pull request.

assignees UserConnection

A list of Users assigned to this object.

author Actor

The actor who authored the comment.

authorAssociation CommentAuthorAssociation

Author's association with the subject of the comment.

autoMergeRequest AutoMergeRequest

Returns the auto-merge request object if one exists for this pull request.

baseRef Ref

Identifies the base Ref associated with the pull request.

baseRefName String

Identifies the name of the base Ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted.

baseRefOid GitObjectID

Identifies the oid of the base ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted.

baseRepository Repository

The repository associated with this pull request's base Ref.

body String

The body as Markdown.


The body rendered to HTML.

bodyText String

The body rendered to text.

canBeRebased Boolean

Whether or not the pull request is rebaseable.

changedFiles Int

The number of changed files in this pull request.

checksResourcePath URI

The HTTP path for the checks of this pull request.

checksUrl URI

The HTTP URL for the checks of this pull request.

closed Boolean

true if the pull request is closed

closedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was closed.

closingIssuesReferences IssueConnection

List of issues that were may be closed by this pull request

A list of comments associated with the pull request.

A list of commits present in this pull request's head branch not present in the base branch.

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

createdViaEmail Boolean

Check if this comment was created via an email reply.

databaseId Int

Identifies the primary key from the database.

Deprecated: `databaseId` will be removed because it does not support 64-bit signed integer identifiers. Use `fullDatabaseId` instead. Removal on 2024-07-01 UTC.
deletions Int

The number of deletions in this pull request.

editor Actor

The actor who edited this pull request's body.

Lists the files changed within this pull request.

fullDatabaseId BigInt

Identifies the primary key from the database as a BigInt.

headRef Ref

Identifies the head Ref associated with the pull request.

headRefName String

Identifies the name of the head Ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted.

headRefOid GitObjectID

Identifies the oid of the head ref associated with the pull request, even if the ref has been deleted.

headRepository Repository

The repository associated with this pull request's head Ref.

headRepositoryOwner RepositoryOwner

The owner of the repository associated with this pull request's head Ref.

hovercard Hovercard

The hovercard information for this issue

id ID

The Node ID of the PullRequest object

includesCreatedEdit Boolean

Check if this comment was edited and includes an edit with the creation data

isCrossRepository Boolean

The head and base repositories are different.

isDraft Boolean

Identifies if the pull request is a draft.

isInMergeQueue Boolean

Indicates whether the pull request is in a merge queue

isMergeQueueEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether the pull request's base ref has a merge queue enabled.

isReadByViewer Boolean

Is this pull request read by the viewer

A list of labels associated with the object.

lastEditedAt DateTime

The moment the editor made the last edit

latestOpinionatedReviews PullRequestReviewConnection

A list of latest reviews per user associated with the pull request.

A list of latest reviews per user associated with the pull request that are not also pending review.

locked Boolean

true if the pull request is locked

maintainerCanModify Boolean

Indicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request.

mergeCommit Commit

The commit that was created when this pull request was merged.

mergeQueue MergeQueue

The merge queue for the pull request's base branch

mergeQueueEntry MergeQueueEntry

The merge queue entry of the pull request in the base branch's merge queue

mergeStateStatus MergeStateStatus

Detailed information about the current pull request merge state status.

mergeable MergeableState

Whether or not the pull request can be merged based on the existence of merge conflicts.

merged Boolean

Whether or not the pull request was merged.

mergedAt DateTime

The date and time that the pull request was merged.

mergedBy Actor

The actor who merged the pull request.

milestone Milestone

Identifies the milestone associated with the pull request.

number Int

Identifies the pull request number.

participants UserConnection

A list of Users that are participating in the Pull Request conversation.

permalink URI

The permalink to the pull request.

potentialMergeCommit Commit

The commit that GitHub automatically generated to test if this pull request
could be merged. This field will not return a value if the pull request is
merged, or if the test merge commit is still being generated. See the
mergeable field for more details on the mergeability of the pull request.

projectCards ProjectCardConnection

List of project cards associated with this pull request.

List of project items associated with this pull request.

projectV2 ProjectV2

Find a project by number.

projectsV2 ProjectV2Connection

A list of projects under the owner.

publishedAt DateTime

Identifies when the comment was published at.

reactionGroups ReactionGroup []

A list of reactions grouped by content left on the subject.

reactions ReactionConnection

A list of Reactions left on the Issue.

repository Repository

The repository associated with this node.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this pull request.

revertResourcePath URI

The HTTP path for reverting this pull request.

revertUrl URI

The HTTP URL for reverting this pull request.

reviewDecision PullRequestReviewDecision

The current status of this pull request with respect to code review.

reviewRequests ReviewRequestConnection

A list of review requests associated with the pull request.

The list of all review threads for this pull request.

A list of reviews associated with the pull request.

Identifies the state of the pull request.

suggestedReviewers SuggestedReviewer []

A list of reviewer suggestions based on commit history and past review comments.

A list of events, comments, commits, etc. associated with the pull request.

Deprecated: `timeline` will be removed Use PullRequest.timelineItems instead. Removal on 2020-10-01 UTC.

A list of events, comments, commits, etc. associated with the pull request.

title String

Identifies the pull request title.


Identifies the pull request title rendered to HTML.

totalCommentsCount Int

Returns a count of how many comments this pull request has received.

updatedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this pull request.

userContentEdits UserContentEditConnection

A list of edits to this content.

viewerCanApplySuggestion Boolean

Whether or not the viewer can apply suggestion.

viewerCanClose Boolean

Indicates if the object can be closed by the viewer.

viewerCanDeleteHeadRef Boolean

Check if the viewer can restore the deleted head ref.

viewerCanDisableAutoMerge Boolean

Whether or not the viewer can disable auto-merge

viewerCanEditFiles Boolean

Can the viewer edit files within this pull request.

viewerCanEnableAutoMerge Boolean

Whether or not the viewer can enable auto-merge

viewerCanMergeAsAdmin Boolean

Indicates whether the viewer can bypass branch protections and merge the pull request immediately

viewerCanReact Boolean

Can user react to this subject

viewerCanReopen Boolean

Indicates if the object can be reopened by the viewer.

viewerCanSubscribe Boolean

Check if the viewer is able to change their subscription status for the repository.

viewerCanUpdate Boolean

Check if the current viewer can update this object.

viewerCanUpdateBranch Boolean

Whether or not the viewer can update the head ref of this PR, by merging or rebasing the base ref.
If the head ref is up to date or unable to be updated by this user, this will return false.

viewerCannotUpdateReasons CommentCannotUpdateReason []

Reasons why the current viewer can not update this comment.

viewerDidAuthor Boolean

Did the viewer author this comment.

viewerLatestReview PullRequestReview

The latest review given from the viewer.

viewerLatestReviewRequest ReviewRequest

The person who has requested the viewer for review on this pull request.

viewerMergeBodyText String

The merge body text for the viewer and method.

viewerMergeHeadlineText String

The merge headline text for the viewer and method.

viewerSubscription SubscriptionState

Identifies if the viewer is watching, not watching, or ignoring the subscribable entity.

Github GraphQL API

Identifies the pull request associated with this thread.

repository Repository

Repository [object]

A repository contains the content for a project.

allowUpdateBranch Boolean

Whether or not a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch can
always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging.

archivedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the repository was archived.

assignableUsers UserConnection

A list of users that can be assigned to issues in this repository.

autoMergeAllowed Boolean

Whether or not Auto-merge can be enabled on pull requests in this repository.

branchProtectionRules BranchProtectionRuleConnection

A list of branch protection rules for this repository.

codeOfConduct CodeOfConduct

Returns the code of conduct for this repository

Information extracted from the repository's CODEOWNERS file.

A list of collaborators associated with the repository.

commitComments CommitCommentConnection

A list of commit comments associated with the repository.

contactLinks RepositoryContactLink []

Returns a list of contact links associated to the repository

contributingGuidelines ContributingGuidelines

Returns the contributing guidelines for this repository.

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

databaseId Int

Identifies the primary key from the database.

defaultBranchRef Ref

The Ref associated with the repository's default branch.

deleteBranchOnMerge Boolean

Whether or not branches are automatically deleted when merged in this repository.

dependencyGraphManifests DependencyGraphManifestConnection

A list of dependency manifests contained in the repository

deployKeys DeployKeyConnection

A list of deploy keys that are on this repository.

deployments DeploymentConnection

Deployments associated with the repository

description String

The description of the repository.

descriptionHTML HTML

The description of the repository rendered to HTML.

discussion Discussion

Returns a single discussion from the current repository by number.

discussionCategories DiscussionCategoryConnection

A list of discussion categories that are available in the repository.

discussionCategory DiscussionCategory

A discussion category by slug.

discussions DiscussionConnection

A list of discussions that have been opened in the repository.

diskUsage Int

The number of kilobytes this repository occupies on disk.

environment Environment

Returns a single active environment from the current repository by name.

environments EnvironmentConnection

A list of environments that are in this repository.

forkCount Int

Returns how many forks there are of this repository in the whole network.

forkingAllowed Boolean

Whether this repository allows forks.

A list of direct forked repositories.

fundingLinks FundingLink []

The funding links for this repository

hasDiscussionsEnabled Boolean

Indicates if the repository has the Discussions feature enabled.

hasIssuesEnabled Boolean

Indicates if the repository has issues feature enabled.

hasProjectsEnabled Boolean

Indicates if the repository has the Projects feature enabled.

hasSponsorshipsEnabled Boolean

Indicates if the repository displays a Sponsor button for financial contributions.

hasVulnerabilityAlertsEnabled Boolean

Whether vulnerability alerts are enabled for the repository.

hasWikiEnabled Boolean

Indicates if the repository has wiki feature enabled.

homepageUrl URI

The repository's URL.

id ID

The Node ID of the Repository object

interactionAbility RepositoryInteractionAbility

The interaction ability settings for this repository.

isArchived Boolean

Indicates if the repository is unmaintained.

isBlankIssuesEnabled Boolean

Returns true if blank issue creation is allowed

isDisabled Boolean

Returns whether or not this repository disabled.

isEmpty Boolean

Returns whether or not this repository is empty.

isFork Boolean

Identifies if the repository is a fork.

isInOrganization Boolean

Indicates if a repository is either owned by an organization, or is a private fork of an organization repository.

isLocked Boolean

Indicates if the repository has been locked or not.

isMirror Boolean

Identifies if the repository is a mirror.

isPrivate Boolean

Identifies if the repository is private or internal.

isSecurityPolicyEnabled Boolean

Returns true if this repository has a security policy

isTemplate Boolean

Identifies if the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories.

isUserConfigurationRepository Boolean

Is this repository a user configuration repository?

issue Issue

Returns a single issue from the current repository by number.

issueOrPullRequest IssueOrPullRequest

Returns a single issue-like object from the current repository by number.

issueTemplates IssueTemplate []

Returns a list of issue templates associated to the repository

A list of issues that have been opened in the repository.

label Label

Returns a single label by name

A list of labels associated with the repository.

languages LanguageConnection

A list containing a breakdown of the language composition of the repository.

latestRelease Release

Get the latest release for the repository if one exists.

licenseInfo License

The license associated with the repository

The reason the repository has been locked.

mentionableUsers UserConnection

A list of Users that can be mentioned in the context of the repository.

mergeCommitAllowed Boolean

Whether or not PRs are merged with a merge commit on this repository.

mergeCommitMessage MergeCommitMessage

How the default commit message will be generated when merging a pull request.

mergeCommitTitle MergeCommitTitle

How the default commit title will be generated when merging a pull request.

mergeQueue MergeQueue

The merge queue for a specified branch, otherwise the default branch if not provided.

milestone Milestone

Returns a single milestone from the current repository by number.

milestones MilestoneConnection

A list of milestones associated with the repository.

mirrorUrl URI

The repository's original mirror URL.

name String

The name of the repository.

nameWithOwner String

The repository's name with owner.

object GitObject

A Git object in the repository

openGraphImageUrl URI

The image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data.

The User owner of the repository.

A list of packages under the owner.

parent Repository

The repository parent, if this is a fork.

pinnedDiscussions PinnedDiscussionConnection

A list of discussions that have been pinned in this repository.

pinnedIssues PinnedIssueConnection

A list of pinned issues for this repository.

primaryLanguage Language

The primary language of the repository's code.

project Project

Find project by number.

projectV2 ProjectV2

Finds and returns the Project according to the provided Project number.

A list of projects under the owner.

projectsResourcePath URI

The HTTP path listing the repository's projects

projectsUrl URI

The HTTP URL listing the repository's projects

projectsV2 ProjectV2Connection

List of projects linked to this repository.

pullRequest PullRequest

Returns a single pull request from the current repository by number.

pullRequestTemplates PullRequestTemplate []

Returns a list of pull request templates associated to the repository

pullRequests PullRequestConnection

A list of pull requests that have been opened in the repository.

pushedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the repository was last pushed to.

rebaseMergeAllowed Boolean

Whether or not rebase-merging is enabled on this repository.

recentProjects ProjectV2Connection

Recent projects that this user has modified in the context of the owner.

ref Ref

Fetch a given ref from the repository

Fetch a list of refs from the repository

release Release

Lookup a single release given various criteria.

List of releases which are dependent on this repository.

repositoryTopics RepositoryTopicConnection

A list of applied repository-topic associations for this repository.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this repository

Returns a single ruleset from the current repository by ID.

A list of rulesets for this repository.

securityPolicyUrl URI

The security policy URL.

shortDescriptionHTML HTML

A description of the repository, rendered to HTML without any links in it.

squashMergeAllowed Boolean

Whether or not squash-merging is enabled on this repository.

squashMergeCommitMessage SquashMergeCommitMessage

How the default commit message will be generated when squash merging a pull request.

squashMergeCommitTitle SquashMergeCommitTitle

How the default commit title will be generated when squash merging a pull request.

squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault Boolean

Whether a squash merge commit can use the pull request title as default.

Deprecated: `squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault` will be removed. Use `Repository.squashMergeCommitTitle` instead. Removal on 2023-04-01 UTC.
sshUrl GitSSHRemote

The SSH URL to clone this repository

stargazerCount Int

Returns a count of how many stargazers there are on this object

stargazers StargazerConnection

A list of users who have starred this starrable.

submodules SubmoduleConnection

Returns a list of all submodules in this repository parsed from the
.gitmodules file as of the default branch's HEAD commit.

tempCloneToken String

Temporary authentication token for cloning this repository.

templateRepository Repository

The repository from which this repository was generated, if any.

updatedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this repository

usesCustomOpenGraphImage Boolean

Whether this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar.

viewerCanAdminister Boolean

Indicates whether the viewer has admin permissions on this repository.

viewerCanCreateProjects Boolean

Can the current viewer create new projects on this owner.

viewerCanSubscribe Boolean

Check if the viewer is able to change their subscription status for the repository.

viewerCanUpdateTopics Boolean

Indicates whether the viewer can update the topics of this repository.

viewerDefaultCommitEmail String

The last commit email for the viewer.

viewerDefaultMergeMethod PullRequestMergeMethod

The last used merge method by the viewer or the default for the repository.

viewerHasStarred Boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether the viewing user has starred this starrable.

viewerPermission RepositoryPermission

The users permission level on the repository. Will return null if authenticated as an GitHub App.

viewerPossibleCommitEmails String []

A list of emails this viewer can commit with.

viewerSubscription SubscriptionState

Identifies if the viewer is watching, not watching, or ignoring the subscribable entity.

Indicates the repository's visibility level.

vulnerabilityAlert RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

Returns a single vulnerability alert from the current repository by number.

A list of vulnerability alerts that are on this repository.

watchers UserConnection

A list of users watching the repository.

webCommitSignoffRequired Boolean

Whether contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits in this repository.

Github GraphQL API

Identifies the repository associated with this thread.

resolvedBy User

User [object]

A user is an individual's account on GitHub that owns repositories and can make new content.

anyPinnableItems Boolean

Determine if this repository owner has any items that can be pinned to their profile.

avatarUrl URI

A URL pointing to the user's public avatar.

bio String

The user's public profile bio.


The user's public profile bio as HTML.

canReceiveOrganizationEmailsWhenNotificationsRestricted Boolean

Could this user receive email notifications, if the organization had notification restrictions enabled?

commitComments CommitCommentConnection

A list of commit comments made by this user.

company String

The user's public profile company.

companyHTML HTML

The user's public profile company as HTML.

contributionsCollection ContributionsCollection

The collection of contributions this user has made to different repositories.

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

databaseId Int

Identifies the primary key from the database.

email String

The user's publicly visible profile email.

enterprises EnterpriseConnection

A list of enterprises that the user belongs to.

estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents Int

The estimated next GitHub Sponsors payout for this user/organization in cents (USD).

followers FollowerConnection

A list of users the given user is followed by.

A list of users the given user is following.

gist Gist

Find gist by repo name.

gistComments GistCommentConnection

A list of gist comments made by this user.

A list of the Gists the user has created.

hasSponsorsListing Boolean

True if this user/organization has a GitHub Sponsors listing.

hovercard Hovercard

The hovercard information for this user in a given context

id ID

The Node ID of the User object

interactionAbility RepositoryInteractionAbility

The interaction ability settings for this user.

isBountyHunter Boolean

Whether or not this user is a participant in the GitHub Security Bug Bounty.

isCampusExpert Boolean

Whether or not this user is a participant in the GitHub Campus Experts Program.

isDeveloperProgramMember Boolean

Whether or not this user is a GitHub Developer Program member.

isEmployee Boolean

Whether or not this user is a GitHub employee.

isFollowingViewer Boolean

Whether or not this user is following the viewer. Inverse of viewerIsFollowing

isGitHubStar Boolean

Whether or not this user is a member of the GitHub Stars Program.

isHireable Boolean

Whether or not the user has marked themselves as for hire.

isSiteAdmin Boolean

Whether or not this user is a site administrator.

isSponsoredBy Boolean

Whether the given account is sponsoring this user/organization.

isSponsoringViewer Boolean

True if the viewer is sponsored by this user/organization.

isViewer Boolean

Whether or not this user is the viewing user.

issueComments IssueCommentConnection

A list of issue comments made by this user.

A list of issues associated with this user.

itemShowcase ProfileItemShowcase

Showcases a selection of repositories and gists that the profile owner has
either curated or that have been selected automatically based on popularity.

lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues SponsorAndLifetimeValueConnection

Calculate how much each sponsor has ever paid total to this maintainer via
GitHub Sponsors. Does not include sponsorships paid via Patreon.

A user-curated list of repositories

location String

The user's public profile location.

login String

The username used to login.

monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents Int

The estimated monthly GitHub Sponsors income for this user/organization in cents (USD).

name String

The user's public profile name.

organization Organization

Find an organization by its login that the user belongs to.

organizationVerifiedDomainEmails String []

Verified email addresses that match verified domains for a specified organization the user is a member of.

organizations OrganizationConnection

A list of organizations the user belongs to.

A list of packages under the owner.

pinnableItems PinnableItemConnection

A list of repositories and gists this profile owner can pin to their profile.

A list of repositories and gists this profile owner has pinned to their profile

pinnedItemsRemaining Int

Returns how many more items this profile owner can pin to their profile.

project Project

Find project by number.

projectV2 ProjectV2

Find a project by number.

A list of projects under the owner.

projectsResourcePath URI

The HTTP path listing user's projects

projectsUrl URI

The HTTP URL listing user's projects

projectsV2 ProjectV2Connection

A list of projects under the owner.

pronouns String

The user's profile pronouns

publicKeys PublicKeyConnection

A list of public keys associated with this user.

pullRequests PullRequestConnection

A list of pull requests associated with this user.

recentProjects ProjectV2Connection

Recent projects that this user has modified in the context of the owner.

repositories RepositoryConnection

A list of repositories that the user owns.

repositoriesContributedTo RepositoryConnection

A list of repositories that the user recently contributed to.

repository Repository

Find Repository.

repositoryDiscussionComments DiscussionCommentConnection

Discussion comments this user has authored.

repositoryDiscussions DiscussionConnection

Discussions this user has started.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this user

savedReplies SavedReplyConnection

Replies this user has saved

socialAccounts SocialAccountConnection

The user's social media accounts, ordered as they appear on the user's profile.

sponsoring SponsorConnection

List of users and organizations this entity is sponsoring.

List of sponsors for this user or organization.

sponsorsActivities SponsorsActivityConnection

Events involving this sponsorable, such as new sponsorships.

sponsorsListing SponsorsListing

The GitHub Sponsors listing for this user or organization.

sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor Sponsorship

The sponsorship from the viewer to this user/organization; that is, the sponsorship where you're the sponsor.

sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable Sponsorship

The sponsorship from this user/organization to the viewer; that is, the sponsorship you're receiving.

sponsorshipNewsletters SponsorshipNewsletterConnection

List of sponsorship updates sent from this sponsorable to sponsors.

sponsorshipsAsMaintainer SponsorshipConnection

The sponsorships where this user or organization is the maintainer receiving the funds.

sponsorshipsAsSponsor SponsorshipConnection

The sponsorships where this user or organization is the funder.

starredRepositories StarredRepositoryConnection

Repositories the user has starred.

status UserStatus

The user's description of what they're currently doing.

suggestedListNames UserListSuggestion []

Suggested names for user lists

topRepositories RepositoryConnection

Repositories the user has contributed to, ordered by contribution rank, plus repositories the user has created

totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents Int

The amount in United States cents (e.g., 500 = $5.00 USD) that this entity has
spent on GitHub to fund sponsorships. Only returns a value when viewed by the
user themselves or by a user who can manage sponsorships for the requested organization.

twitterUsername String

The user's Twitter username.

updatedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this user

viewerCanChangePinnedItems Boolean

Can the viewer pin repositories and gists to the profile?

viewerCanCreateProjects Boolean

Can the current viewer create new projects on this owner.

viewerCanFollow Boolean

Whether or not the viewer is able to follow the user.

viewerCanSponsor Boolean

Whether or not the viewer is able to sponsor this user/organization.

viewerIsFollowing Boolean

Whether or not this user is followed by the viewer. Inverse of isFollowingViewer.

viewerIsSponsoring Boolean

True if the viewer is sponsoring this user/organization.

A list of repositories the given user is watching.

websiteUrl URI

A URL pointing to the user's public website/blog.

Github GraphQL API

The user who resolved this thread

startDiffSide DiffSide

DiffSide [enum]

The possible sides of a diff.

Possible values

The left side of the diff.


The right side of the diff.

Github GraphQL API

The side of the diff that the first line of the thread starts on (multi-line only)

startLine Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

The start line in the file to which this thread refers (multi-line only)

subjectType PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectType

PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectType [enum]

The possible subject types of a pull request review comment.

Possible values

A comment that has been made against the file of a pull request


A comment that has been made against the line of a pull request

Github GraphQL API

The level at which the comments in the corresponding thread are targeted, can be a diff line or a file

viewerCanReply Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Indicates whether the current viewer can reply to this thread.

viewerCanResolve Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Whether or not the viewer can resolve this thread

viewerCanUnresolve Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Whether or not the viewer can unresolve this thread

Github GraphQL API