Github API - Test Config

query license

Look up an open source license by its key

key String

String [scalar]

The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

Github GraphQL API

The license's downcased SPDX ID


License [object]

A repository's open source license

body String

The full text of the license

conditions LicenseRule []

The conditions set by the license

description String

A human-readable description of the license

featured Boolean

Whether the license should be featured

hidden Boolean

Whether the license should be displayed in license pickers

id ID

The Node ID of the License object

implementation String

Instructions on how to implement the license

key String

The lowercased SPDX ID of the license

limitations LicenseRule []

The limitations set by the license

name String

The license full name specified by <>

nickname String

Customary short name if applicable (e.g, GPLv3)

permissions LicenseRule []

The permissions set by the license

pseudoLicense Boolean

Whether the license is a pseudo-license placeholder (e.g., other, no-license)

spdxId String

Short identifier specified by <>

url URI

URL to the license on <>

Github GraphQL API
Github GraphQL API