Github API - Test Config

PUT /user/codespaces/secrets/{secret_name}

Creates or updates a secret for a user's codespace with an encrypted value. Encrypt your secret using

You must authenticate using an access token with the codespace or codespace:secrets scope to use this endpoint. User must also have Codespaces access to use this endpoint.

GitHub Apps must have write access to the codespaces_user_secrets user permission and codespaces_secrets repository permission on all referenced repositories to use this endpoint.

Example encrypting a secret using Node.js

Encrypt your secret using the libsodium-wrappers library.

const sodium = require('libsodium-wrappers')
const secret = 'plain-text-secret' // replace with the secret you want to encrypt
const key = 'base64-encoded-public-key' // replace with the Base64 encoded public key

//Check if libsodium is ready and then proceed.
sodium.ready.then(() => {
  // Convert Secret & Base64 key to Uint8Array.
  let binkey = sodium.from_base64(key, sodium.base64_variants.ORIGINAL)
  let binsec = sodium.from_string(secret)

  //Encrypt the secret using LibSodium
  let encBytes = sodium.crypto_box_seal(binsec, binkey)

  // Convert encrypted Uint8Array to Base64
  let output = sodium.to_base64(encBytes, sodium.base64_variants.ORIGINAL)


Example encrypting a secret using Python

Encrypt your secret using pynacl with Python 3.

from base64 import b64encode
from nacl import encoding, public

def encrypt(public_key: str, secret_value: str) -> str:
  """Encrypt a Unicode string using the public key."""
  public_key = public.PublicKey(public_key.encode("utf-8"), encoding.Base64Encoder())
  sealed_box = public.SealedBox(public_key)
  encrypted = sealed_box.encrypt(secret_value.encode("utf-8"))
  return b64encode(encrypted).decode("utf-8")

Example encrypting a secret using C#

Encrypt your secret using the Sodium.Core package.

var secretValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("mySecret");
var publicKey = Convert.FromBase64String("2Sg8iYjAxxmI2LvUXpJjkYrMxURPc8r+dB7TJyvvcCU=");

var sealedPublicKeyBox = Sodium.SealedPublicKeyBox.Create(secretValue, publicKey);


Example encrypting a secret using Ruby

Encrypt your secret using the rbnacl gem.

require "rbnacl"
require "base64"

key = Base64.decode64("+ZYvJDZMHUfBkJdyq5Zm9SKqeuBQ4sj+6sfjlH4CgG0=")
public_key =

box = RbNaCl::Boxes::Sealed.from_public_key(public_key)
encrypted_secret = box.encrypt("my_secret")

# Print the base64 encoded secret
puts Base64.strict_encode64(encrypted_secret)

Create or update a secret for the authenticated user

key secret-name

secret-name [scalar]

The name of the secret.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

201 application/json empty-object

empty-object [object]

An object without any properties.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)
404 not_found

not_found [scalar]

Resource not found

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)
422 validation_failed

validation_failed [scalar]

Validation failed, or the endpoint has been spammed.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)
Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)