Github API - Test Config

GET /apps/{app_slug}

Note: The :app_slug is just the URL-friendly name of your GitHub App. You can find this on the settings page for your GitHub App (e.g.,

If the GitHub App you specify is public, you can access this endpoint without authenticating. If the GitHub App you specify is private, you must authenticate with a personal access token or an installation access token to access this endpoint.
Get an app

key app-slug

app-slug [scalar]

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

200 application/json integration

integration [object]

GitHub apps are a new way to extend GitHub. They can be installed directly on organizations and user accounts and granted access to specific repositories. They come with granular permissions and built-in webhooks. GitHub apps are first class actors within GitHub.

client_id string

client_secret string

created_at string

description string

events string []

external_url string

html_url string

id integer

Unique identifier of the GitHub app

installations_count integer

The number of installations associated with the GitHub app

name string

The name of the GitHub app

node_id string

pem string

permissions 2015

The set of permissions for the GitHub app

slug string

The slug name of the GitHub app

updated_at string

webhook_secret string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)
403 forbidden

forbidden [scalar]


Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)
404 not_found

not_found [scalar]

Resource not found

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)
Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)