Github API - Test Config

GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/timing

Gets the number of billable minutes and total run time for a specific workflow run. Billable minutes only apply to workflows in private repositories that use GitHub-hosted runners. Usage is listed for each GitHub-hosted runner operating system in milliseconds. Any job re-runs are also included in the usage. The usage does not include the multiplier for macOS and Windows runners and is not rounded up to the nearest whole minute. For more information, see "Managing billing for GitHub Actions".

Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint. If the repository is private you must use an access token with the repo scope. GitHub Apps must have the actions:read permission to use this endpoint.
Get workflow run usage

key owner

owner [scalar]

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

key repo

repo [scalar]

The name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

key run-id

run-id [scalar]

The unique identifier of the workflow run.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

200 application/json workflow-run-usage

workflow-run-usage [object]

Workflow Run Usage

billable 3813

run_duration_ms integer

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)
Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)