Github API - Test Config

RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertConnection [object]

The connection type for RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.

edges RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertEdge []

RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertEdge [object]

An edge in a connection.

cursor String

A cursor for use in pagination.

The item at the end of the edge.

Github GraphQL API

A list of edges.

nodes RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert []

RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert [object]

A Dependabot alert for a repository with a dependency affected by a security vulnerability.

autoDismissedAt DateTime

When was the alert auto-dismissed?

createdAt DateTime

When was the alert created?

dependabotUpdate DependabotUpdate

The associated Dependabot update

The scope of an alert's dependency

dismissComment String

Comment explaining the reason the alert was dismissed

dismissReason String

The reason the alert was dismissed

dismissedAt DateTime

When was the alert dismissed?

dismisser User

The user who dismissed the alert

fixedAt DateTime

When was the alert fixed?

id ID

The Node ID of the RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert object

number Int

Identifies the alert number.

repository Repository

The associated repository

securityAdvisory SecurityAdvisory

The associated security advisory

securityVulnerability SecurityVulnerability

The associated security vulnerability

Identifies the state of the alert.

vulnerableManifestFilename String

The vulnerable manifest filename

vulnerableManifestPath String

The vulnerable manifest path

vulnerableRequirements String

The vulnerable requirements

Github GraphQL API

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

PageInfo [object]

Information about pagination in a connection.

endCursor String

When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.

hasNextPage Boolean

When paginating forwards, are there more items?

hasPreviousPage Boolean

When paginating backwards, are there more items?

startCursor String

When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.

Github GraphQL API

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API