Github API - Test Config

Sponsorable [interface]

Entities that can sponsor or be sponsored through GitHub Sponsors.

estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

The estimated next GitHub Sponsors payout for this user/organization in cents (USD).

hasSponsorsListing Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

True if this user/organization has a GitHub Sponsors listing.

isSponsoredBy Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Whether the given account is sponsoring this user/organization.

isSponsoringViewer Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

True if the viewer is sponsored by this user/organization.

lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues SponsorAndLifetimeValueConnection

SponsorAndLifetimeValueConnection [object]

The connection type for SponsorAndLifetimeValue.


A list of edges.

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

Calculate how much each sponsor has ever paid total to this maintainer via
GitHub Sponsors. Does not include sponsorships paid via Patreon.

monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

The estimated monthly GitHub Sponsors income for this user/organization in cents (USD).

sponsoring SponsorConnection

SponsorConnection [object]

A list of users and organizations sponsoring someone via GitHub Sponsors.

edges SponsorEdge []

A list of edges.

nodes Sponsor []

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

List of users and organizations this entity is sponsoring.

sponsors SponsorConnection

SponsorConnection [object]

A list of users and organizations sponsoring someone via GitHub Sponsors.

edges SponsorEdge []

A list of edges.

nodes Sponsor []

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

List of sponsors for this user or organization.

sponsorsActivities SponsorsActivityConnection

SponsorsActivityConnection [object]

The connection type for SponsorsActivity.


A list of edges.

nodes SponsorsActivity []

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

Events involving this sponsorable, such as new sponsorships.

sponsorsListing SponsorsListing

SponsorsListing [object]

A GitHub Sponsors listing.

activeGoal SponsorsGoal

The current goal the maintainer is trying to reach with GitHub Sponsors, if any.

activeStripeConnectAccount StripeConnectAccount

The Stripe Connect account currently in use for payouts for this Sponsors
listing, if any. Will only return a value when queried by the maintainer
themselves, or by an admin of the sponsorable organization.

billingCountryOrRegion String

The name of the country or region with the maintainer's bank account or fiscal
host. Will only return a value when queried by the maintainer themselves, or
by an admin of the sponsorable organization.

contactEmailAddress String

The email address used by GitHub to contact the sponsorable about their GitHub
Sponsors profile. Will only return a value when queried by the maintainer
themselves, or by an admin of the sponsorable organization.

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

dashboardResourcePath URI

The HTTP path for the Sponsors dashboard for this Sponsors listing.

dashboardUrl URI

The HTTP URL for the Sponsors dashboard for this Sponsors listing.

featuredItems SponsorsListingFeaturedItem []

The records featured on the GitHub Sponsors profile.

fiscalHost Organization

The fiscal host used for payments, if any. Will only return a value when
queried by the maintainer themselves, or by an admin of the sponsorable organization.

fullDescription String

The full description of the listing.

fullDescriptionHTML HTML

The full description of the listing rendered to HTML.

id ID

The Node ID of the SponsorsListing object

isPublic Boolean

Whether this listing is publicly visible.

name String

The listing's full name.

nextPayoutDate Date

A future date on which this listing is eligible to receive a payout.

residenceCountryOrRegion String

The name of the country or region where the maintainer resides. Will only
return a value when queried by the maintainer themselves, or by an admin of
the sponsorable organization.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this Sponsors listing.

shortDescription String

The short description of the listing.

slug String

The short name of the listing.

sponsorable Sponsorable

The entity this listing represents who can be sponsored on GitHub Sponsors.

The tiers for this GitHub Sponsors profile.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this Sponsors listing.

Github GraphQL API

The GitHub Sponsors listing for this user or organization.

sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor Sponsorship

Sponsorship [object]

A sponsorship relationship between a sponsor and a maintainer

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

id ID

The Node ID of the Sponsorship object

isActive Boolean

Whether the sponsorship is active. False implies the sponsor is a past sponsor
of the maintainer, while true implies they are a current sponsor.

isOneTimePayment Boolean

Whether this sponsorship represents a one-time payment versus a recurring sponsorship.

isSponsorOptedIntoEmail Boolean

Whether the sponsor has chosen to receive sponsorship update emails sent from
the sponsorable. Only returns a non-null value when the viewer has permission to know this.

maintainer User

The entity that is being sponsored

Deprecated: `Sponsorship.maintainer` will be removed. Use `Sponsorship.sponsorable` instead. Removal on 2020-04-01 UTC.
paymentSource SponsorshipPaymentSource

The platform that was most recently used to pay for the sponsorship.

privacyLevel SponsorshipPrivacy

The privacy level for this sponsorship.

sponsor User

The user that is sponsoring. Returns null if the sponsorship is private or if sponsor is not a user.

Deprecated: `Sponsorship.sponsor` will be removed. Use `Sponsorship.sponsorEntity` instead. Removal on 2020-10-01 UTC.
sponsorEntity Sponsor

The user or organization that is sponsoring, if you have permission to view them.

sponsorable Sponsorable

The entity that is being sponsored

The associated sponsorship tier

tierSelectedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the current tier was chosen for this sponsorship.

Github GraphQL API

The sponsorship from the viewer to this user/organization; that is, the sponsorship where you're the sponsor.

sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable Sponsorship

Sponsorship [object]

A sponsorship relationship between a sponsor and a maintainer

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

id ID

The Node ID of the Sponsorship object

isActive Boolean

Whether the sponsorship is active. False implies the sponsor is a past sponsor
of the maintainer, while true implies they are a current sponsor.

isOneTimePayment Boolean

Whether this sponsorship represents a one-time payment versus a recurring sponsorship.

isSponsorOptedIntoEmail Boolean

Whether the sponsor has chosen to receive sponsorship update emails sent from
the sponsorable. Only returns a non-null value when the viewer has permission to know this.

maintainer User

The entity that is being sponsored

Deprecated: `Sponsorship.maintainer` will be removed. Use `Sponsorship.sponsorable` instead. Removal on 2020-04-01 UTC.
paymentSource SponsorshipPaymentSource

The platform that was most recently used to pay for the sponsorship.

privacyLevel SponsorshipPrivacy

The privacy level for this sponsorship.

sponsor User

The user that is sponsoring. Returns null if the sponsorship is private or if sponsor is not a user.

Deprecated: `Sponsorship.sponsor` will be removed. Use `Sponsorship.sponsorEntity` instead. Removal on 2020-10-01 UTC.
sponsorEntity Sponsor

The user or organization that is sponsoring, if you have permission to view them.

sponsorable Sponsorable

The entity that is being sponsored

The associated sponsorship tier

tierSelectedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the current tier was chosen for this sponsorship.

Github GraphQL API

The sponsorship from this user/organization to the viewer; that is, the sponsorship you're receiving.

sponsorshipNewsletters SponsorshipNewsletterConnection

SponsorshipNewsletterConnection [object]

The connection type for SponsorshipNewsletter.


A list of edges.

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

List of sponsorship updates sent from this sponsorable to sponsors.

sponsorshipsAsMaintainer SponsorshipConnection

SponsorshipConnection [object]

A list of sponsorships either from the subject or received by the subject.

edges SponsorshipEdge []

A list of edges.

nodes Sponsorship []

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

totalRecurringMonthlyPriceInCents Int

The total amount in cents of all recurring sponsorships in the connection
whose amount you can view. Does not include one-time sponsorships.

totalRecurringMonthlyPriceInDollars Int

The total amount in USD of all recurring sponsorships in the connection whose
amount you can view. Does not include one-time sponsorships.

Github GraphQL API

The sponsorships where this user or organization is the maintainer receiving the funds.

sponsorshipsAsSponsor SponsorshipConnection

SponsorshipConnection [object]

A list of sponsorships either from the subject or received by the subject.

edges SponsorshipEdge []

A list of edges.

nodes Sponsorship []

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

totalRecurringMonthlyPriceInCents Int

The total amount in cents of all recurring sponsorships in the connection
whose amount you can view. Does not include one-time sponsorships.

totalRecurringMonthlyPriceInDollars Int

The total amount in USD of all recurring sponsorships in the connection whose
amount you can view. Does not include one-time sponsorships.

Github GraphQL API

The sponsorships where this user or organization is the funder.

totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

The amount in United States cents (e.g., 500 = $5.00 USD) that this entity has
spent on GitHub to fund sponsorships. Only returns a value when viewed by the
user themselves or by a user who can manage sponsorships for the requested organization.

viewerCanSponsor Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Whether or not the viewer is able to sponsor this user/organization.

viewerIsSponsoring Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

True if the viewer is sponsoring this user/organization.

Github GraphQL API