Github API - Test Config

ContributionsCollection [object]

A contributions collection aggregates contributions such as opened issues and commits created by a user.

commitContributionsByRepository CommitContributionsByRepository []

CommitContributionsByRepository [object]

This aggregates commits made by a user within one repository.


The commit contributions, each representing a day.

repository Repository

The repository in which the commits were made.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for the user's commits to the repository in this time range.

url URI

The HTTP URL for the user's commits to the repository in this time range.

Github GraphQL API

Commit contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

contributionCalendar ContributionCalendar

ContributionCalendar [object]

A calendar of contributions made on GitHub by a user.

colors String []

A list of hex color codes used in this calendar. The darker the color, the more contributions it represents.

isHalloween Boolean

Determine if the color set was chosen because it's currently Halloween.

A list of the months of contributions in this calendar.

totalContributions Int

The count of total contributions in the calendar.

A list of the weeks of contributions in this calendar.

Github GraphQL API

A calendar of this user's contributions on GitHub.

contributionYears Int []

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

The years the user has been making contributions with the most recent year first.

doesEndInCurrentMonth Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Determine if this collection's time span ends in the current month.

earliestRestrictedContributionDate Date

Date [scalar]

An ISO-8601 encoded date string.

Github GraphQL API

The date of the first restricted contribution the user made in this time
period. Can only be non-null when the user has enabled private contribution counts.

endedAt DateTime

DateTime [scalar]

An ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string.

Github GraphQL API

The ending date and time of this collection.

firstIssueContribution CreatedIssueOrRestrictedContribution

CreatedIssueOrRestrictedContribution [union]

Represents either a issue the viewer can access or a restricted contribution.

Github GraphQL API

The first issue the user opened on GitHub. This will be null if that issue was
opened outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false. If
the issue is not visible but the user has opted to show private contributions,
a RestrictedContribution will be returned.

firstPullRequestContribution CreatedPullRequestOrRestrictedContribution

CreatedPullRequestOrRestrictedContribution [union]

Represents either a pull request the viewer can access or a restricted contribution.

Github GraphQL API

The first pull request the user opened on GitHub. This will be null if that
pull request was opened outside the collection's time range and
ignoreTimeRange is not true. If the pull request is not visible but the user
has opted to show private contributions, a RestrictedContribution will be returned.

firstRepositoryContribution CreatedRepositoryOrRestrictedContribution

CreatedRepositoryOrRestrictedContribution [union]

Represents either a repository the viewer can access or a restricted contribution.

Github GraphQL API

The first repository the user created on GitHub. This will be null if that
first repository was created outside the collection's time range and
ignoreTimeRange is false. If the repository is not visible, then a
RestrictedContribution is returned.

hasActivityInThePast Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Does the user have any more activity in the timeline that occurred prior to the collection's time range?

hasAnyContributions Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Determine if there are any contributions in this collection.

hasAnyRestrictedContributions Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Determine if the user made any contributions in this time frame whose details
are not visible because they were made in a private repository. Can only be
true if the user enabled private contribution counts.

isSingleDay Boolean

Boolean [scalar]

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

Github GraphQL API

Whether or not the collector's time span is all within the same day.

issueContributions CreatedIssueContributionConnection

CreatedIssueContributionConnection [object]

The connection type for CreatedIssueContribution.


A list of edges.

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

A list of issues the user opened.

issueContributionsByRepository IssueContributionsByRepository []

IssueContributionsByRepository [object]

This aggregates issues opened by a user within one repository.


The issue contributions.

repository Repository

The repository in which the issues were opened.

Github GraphQL API

Issue contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

joinedGitHubContribution JoinedGitHubContribution

JoinedGitHubContribution [object]

Represents a user signing up for a GitHub account.

isRestricted Boolean

Whether this contribution is associated with a record you do not have access to. For
example, your own 'first issue' contribution may have been made on a repository you can no
longer access.

occurredAt DateTime

When this contribution was made.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this contribution.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this contribution.

user User

The user who made this contribution.

Github GraphQL API

When the user signed up for GitHub. This will be null if that sign up date
falls outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false.

latestRestrictedContributionDate Date

Date [scalar]

An ISO-8601 encoded date string.

Github GraphQL API

The date of the most recent restricted contribution the user made in this time
period. Can only be non-null when the user has enabled private contribution counts.

mostRecentCollectionWithActivity ContributionsCollection

ContributionsCollection [object]

A contributions collection aggregates contributions such as opened issues and commits created by a user.

commitContributionsByRepository CommitContributionsByRepository []

Commit contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

contributionCalendar ContributionCalendar

A calendar of this user's contributions on GitHub.

contributionYears Int []

The years the user has been making contributions with the most recent year first.

doesEndInCurrentMonth Boolean

Determine if this collection's time span ends in the current month.

earliestRestrictedContributionDate Date

The date of the first restricted contribution the user made in this time
period. Can only be non-null when the user has enabled private contribution counts.

endedAt DateTime

The ending date and time of this collection.

firstIssueContribution CreatedIssueOrRestrictedContribution

The first issue the user opened on GitHub. This will be null if that issue was
opened outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false. If
the issue is not visible but the user has opted to show private contributions,
a RestrictedContribution will be returned.

firstPullRequestContribution CreatedPullRequestOrRestrictedContribution

The first pull request the user opened on GitHub. This will be null if that
pull request was opened outside the collection's time range and
ignoreTimeRange is not true. If the pull request is not visible but the user
has opted to show private contributions, a RestrictedContribution will be returned.

firstRepositoryContribution CreatedRepositoryOrRestrictedContribution

The first repository the user created on GitHub. This will be null if that
first repository was created outside the collection's time range and
ignoreTimeRange is false. If the repository is not visible, then a
RestrictedContribution is returned.

hasActivityInThePast Boolean

Does the user have any more activity in the timeline that occurred prior to the collection's time range?

hasAnyContributions Boolean

Determine if there are any contributions in this collection.

hasAnyRestrictedContributions Boolean

Determine if the user made any contributions in this time frame whose details
are not visible because they were made in a private repository. Can only be
true if the user enabled private contribution counts.

isSingleDay Boolean

Whether or not the collector's time span is all within the same day.

A list of issues the user opened.

issueContributionsByRepository IssueContributionsByRepository []

Issue contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

joinedGitHubContribution JoinedGitHubContribution

When the user signed up for GitHub. This will be null if that sign up date
falls outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false.

latestRestrictedContributionDate Date

The date of the most recent restricted contribution the user made in this time
period. Can only be non-null when the user has enabled private contribution counts.

mostRecentCollectionWithActivity ContributionsCollection

When this collection's time range does not include any activity from the user, use this
to get a different collection from an earlier time range that does have activity.

mostRecentCollectionWithoutActivity ContributionsCollection

Returns a different contributions collection from an earlier time range than this one
that does not have any contributions.

popularIssueContribution CreatedIssueContribution

The issue the user opened on GitHub that received the most comments in the specified
time frame.

popularPullRequestContribution CreatedPullRequestContribution

The pull request the user opened on GitHub that received the most comments in the
specified time frame.

pullRequestContributions CreatedPullRequestContributionConnection

Pull request contributions made by the user.

pullRequestContributionsByRepository PullRequestContributionsByRepository []

Pull request contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

pullRequestReviewContributions CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionConnection

Pull request review contributions made by the user. Returns the most recently
submitted review for each PR reviewed by the user.

pullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository []

Pull request review contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

repositoryContributions CreatedRepositoryContributionConnection

A list of repositories owned by the user that the user created in this time range.

restrictedContributionsCount Int

A count of contributions made by the user that the viewer cannot access. Only
non-zero when the user has chosen to share their private contribution counts.

startedAt DateTime

The beginning date and time of this collection.

totalCommitContributions Int

How many commits were made by the user in this time span.

totalIssueContributions Int

How many issues the user opened.

totalPullRequestContributions Int

How many pull requests the user opened.

totalPullRequestReviewContributions Int

How many pull request reviews the user left.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedCommits Int

How many different repositories the user committed to.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedIssues Int

How many different repositories the user opened issues in.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedPullRequestReviews Int

How many different repositories the user left pull request reviews in.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedPullRequests Int

How many different repositories the user opened pull requests in.

totalRepositoryContributions Int

How many repositories the user created.

user User

The user who made the contributions in this collection.

Github GraphQL API

When this collection's time range does not include any activity from the user, use this
to get a different collection from an earlier time range that does have activity.

mostRecentCollectionWithoutActivity ContributionsCollection

ContributionsCollection [object]

A contributions collection aggregates contributions such as opened issues and commits created by a user.

commitContributionsByRepository CommitContributionsByRepository []

Commit contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

contributionCalendar ContributionCalendar

A calendar of this user's contributions on GitHub.

contributionYears Int []

The years the user has been making contributions with the most recent year first.

doesEndInCurrentMonth Boolean

Determine if this collection's time span ends in the current month.

earliestRestrictedContributionDate Date

The date of the first restricted contribution the user made in this time
period. Can only be non-null when the user has enabled private contribution counts.

endedAt DateTime

The ending date and time of this collection.

firstIssueContribution CreatedIssueOrRestrictedContribution

The first issue the user opened on GitHub. This will be null if that issue was
opened outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false. If
the issue is not visible but the user has opted to show private contributions,
a RestrictedContribution will be returned.

firstPullRequestContribution CreatedPullRequestOrRestrictedContribution

The first pull request the user opened on GitHub. This will be null if that
pull request was opened outside the collection's time range and
ignoreTimeRange is not true. If the pull request is not visible but the user
has opted to show private contributions, a RestrictedContribution will be returned.

firstRepositoryContribution CreatedRepositoryOrRestrictedContribution

The first repository the user created on GitHub. This will be null if that
first repository was created outside the collection's time range and
ignoreTimeRange is false. If the repository is not visible, then a
RestrictedContribution is returned.

hasActivityInThePast Boolean

Does the user have any more activity in the timeline that occurred prior to the collection's time range?

hasAnyContributions Boolean

Determine if there are any contributions in this collection.

hasAnyRestrictedContributions Boolean

Determine if the user made any contributions in this time frame whose details
are not visible because they were made in a private repository. Can only be
true if the user enabled private contribution counts.

isSingleDay Boolean

Whether or not the collector's time span is all within the same day.

A list of issues the user opened.

issueContributionsByRepository IssueContributionsByRepository []

Issue contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

joinedGitHubContribution JoinedGitHubContribution

When the user signed up for GitHub. This will be null if that sign up date
falls outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false.

latestRestrictedContributionDate Date

The date of the most recent restricted contribution the user made in this time
period. Can only be non-null when the user has enabled private contribution counts.

mostRecentCollectionWithActivity ContributionsCollection

When this collection's time range does not include any activity from the user, use this
to get a different collection from an earlier time range that does have activity.

mostRecentCollectionWithoutActivity ContributionsCollection

Returns a different contributions collection from an earlier time range than this one
that does not have any contributions.

popularIssueContribution CreatedIssueContribution

The issue the user opened on GitHub that received the most comments in the specified
time frame.

popularPullRequestContribution CreatedPullRequestContribution

The pull request the user opened on GitHub that received the most comments in the
specified time frame.

pullRequestContributions CreatedPullRequestContributionConnection

Pull request contributions made by the user.

pullRequestContributionsByRepository PullRequestContributionsByRepository []

Pull request contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

pullRequestReviewContributions CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionConnection

Pull request review contributions made by the user. Returns the most recently
submitted review for each PR reviewed by the user.

pullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository []

Pull request review contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

repositoryContributions CreatedRepositoryContributionConnection

A list of repositories owned by the user that the user created in this time range.

restrictedContributionsCount Int

A count of contributions made by the user that the viewer cannot access. Only
non-zero when the user has chosen to share their private contribution counts.

startedAt DateTime

The beginning date and time of this collection.

totalCommitContributions Int

How many commits were made by the user in this time span.

totalIssueContributions Int

How many issues the user opened.

totalPullRequestContributions Int

How many pull requests the user opened.

totalPullRequestReviewContributions Int

How many pull request reviews the user left.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedCommits Int

How many different repositories the user committed to.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedIssues Int

How many different repositories the user opened issues in.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedPullRequestReviews Int

How many different repositories the user left pull request reviews in.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedPullRequests Int

How many different repositories the user opened pull requests in.

totalRepositoryContributions Int

How many repositories the user created.

user User

The user who made the contributions in this collection.

Github GraphQL API

Returns a different contributions collection from an earlier time range than this one
that does not have any contributions.

popularIssueContribution CreatedIssueContribution

CreatedIssueContribution [object]

Represents the contribution a user made on GitHub by opening an issue.

isRestricted Boolean

Whether this contribution is associated with a record you do not have access to. For
example, your own 'first issue' contribution may have been made on a repository you can no
longer access.

issue Issue

The issue that was opened.

occurredAt DateTime

When this contribution was made.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this contribution.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this contribution.

user User

The user who made this contribution.

Github GraphQL API

The issue the user opened on GitHub that received the most comments in the specified
time frame.

popularPullRequestContribution CreatedPullRequestContribution

CreatedPullRequestContribution [object]

Represents the contribution a user made on GitHub by opening a pull request.

isRestricted Boolean

Whether this contribution is associated with a record you do not have access to. For
example, your own 'first issue' contribution may have been made on a repository you can no
longer access.

occurredAt DateTime

When this contribution was made.

pullRequest PullRequest

The pull request that was opened.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this contribution.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this contribution.

user User

The user who made this contribution.

Github GraphQL API

The pull request the user opened on GitHub that received the most comments in the
specified time frame.

pullRequestContributions CreatedPullRequestContributionConnection

CreatedPullRequestContributionConnection [object]

The connection type for CreatedPullRequestContribution.


A list of edges.

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

Pull request contributions made by the user.

pullRequestContributionsByRepository PullRequestContributionsByRepository []

PullRequestContributionsByRepository [object]

This aggregates pull requests opened by a user within one repository.


The pull request contributions.

repository Repository

The repository in which the pull requests were opened.

Github GraphQL API

Pull request contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

pullRequestReviewContributions CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionConnection

CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionConnection [object]

The connection type for CreatedPullRequestReviewContribution.


A list of edges.

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

Pull request review contributions made by the user. Returns the most recently
submitted review for each PR reviewed by the user.

pullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository []

PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository [object]

This aggregates pull request reviews made by a user within one repository.


The pull request review contributions.

repository Repository

The repository in which the pull request reviews were made.

Github GraphQL API

Pull request review contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.

repositoryContributions CreatedRepositoryContributionConnection

CreatedRepositoryContributionConnection [object]

The connection type for CreatedRepositoryContribution.


A list of edges.

A list of nodes.

pageInfo PageInfo

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount Int

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

Github GraphQL API

A list of repositories owned by the user that the user created in this time range.

restrictedContributionsCount Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

A count of contributions made by the user that the viewer cannot access. Only
non-zero when the user has chosen to share their private contribution counts.

startedAt DateTime

DateTime [scalar]

An ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string.

Github GraphQL API

The beginning date and time of this collection.

totalCommitContributions Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many commits were made by the user in this time span.

totalIssueContributions Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many issues the user opened.

totalPullRequestContributions Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many pull requests the user opened.

totalPullRequestReviewContributions Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many pull request reviews the user left.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedCommits Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many different repositories the user committed to.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedIssues Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many different repositories the user opened issues in.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedPullRequestReviews Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many different repositories the user left pull request reviews in.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedPullRequests Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many different repositories the user opened pull requests in.

totalRepositoryContributions Int

Int [scalar]

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

Github GraphQL API

How many repositories the user created.

user User

User [object]

A user is an individual's account on GitHub that owns repositories and can make new content.

anyPinnableItems Boolean

Determine if this repository owner has any items that can be pinned to their profile.

avatarUrl URI

A URL pointing to the user's public avatar.

bio String

The user's public profile bio.


The user's public profile bio as HTML.

canReceiveOrganizationEmailsWhenNotificationsRestricted Boolean

Could this user receive email notifications, if the organization had notification restrictions enabled?

commitComments CommitCommentConnection

A list of commit comments made by this user.

company String

The user's public profile company.

companyHTML HTML

The user's public profile company as HTML.

contributionsCollection ContributionsCollection

The collection of contributions this user has made to different repositories.

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

databaseId Int

Identifies the primary key from the database.

email String

The user's publicly visible profile email.

enterprises EnterpriseConnection

A list of enterprises that the user belongs to.

estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents Int

The estimated next GitHub Sponsors payout for this user/organization in cents (USD).

followers FollowerConnection

A list of users the given user is followed by.

A list of users the given user is following.

gist Gist

Find gist by repo name.

gistComments GistCommentConnection

A list of gist comments made by this user.

A list of the Gists the user has created.

hasSponsorsListing Boolean

True if this user/organization has a GitHub Sponsors listing.

hovercard Hovercard

The hovercard information for this user in a given context

id ID

The Node ID of the User object

interactionAbility RepositoryInteractionAbility

The interaction ability settings for this user.

isBountyHunter Boolean

Whether or not this user is a participant in the GitHub Security Bug Bounty.

isCampusExpert Boolean

Whether or not this user is a participant in the GitHub Campus Experts Program.

isDeveloperProgramMember Boolean

Whether or not this user is a GitHub Developer Program member.

isEmployee Boolean

Whether or not this user is a GitHub employee.

isFollowingViewer Boolean

Whether or not this user is following the viewer. Inverse of viewerIsFollowing

isGitHubStar Boolean

Whether or not this user is a member of the GitHub Stars Program.

isHireable Boolean

Whether or not the user has marked themselves as for hire.

isSiteAdmin Boolean

Whether or not this user is a site administrator.

isSponsoredBy Boolean

Whether the given account is sponsoring this user/organization.

isSponsoringViewer Boolean

True if the viewer is sponsored by this user/organization.

isViewer Boolean

Whether or not this user is the viewing user.

issueComments IssueCommentConnection

A list of issue comments made by this user.

A list of issues associated with this user.

itemShowcase ProfileItemShowcase

Showcases a selection of repositories and gists that the profile owner has
either curated or that have been selected automatically based on popularity.

lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues SponsorAndLifetimeValueConnection

Calculate how much each sponsor has ever paid total to this maintainer via
GitHub Sponsors. Does not include sponsorships paid via Patreon.

A user-curated list of repositories

location String

The user's public profile location.

login String

The username used to login.

monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents Int

The estimated monthly GitHub Sponsors income for this user/organization in cents (USD).

name String

The user's public profile name.

organization Organization

Find an organization by its login that the user belongs to.

organizationVerifiedDomainEmails String []

Verified email addresses that match verified domains for a specified organization the user is a member of.

organizations OrganizationConnection

A list of organizations the user belongs to.

A list of packages under the owner.

pinnableItems PinnableItemConnection

A list of repositories and gists this profile owner can pin to their profile.

A list of repositories and gists this profile owner has pinned to their profile

pinnedItemsRemaining Int

Returns how many more items this profile owner can pin to their profile.

project Project

Find project by number.

projectV2 ProjectV2

Find a project by number.

A list of projects under the owner.

projectsResourcePath URI

The HTTP path listing user's projects

projectsUrl URI

The HTTP URL listing user's projects

projectsV2 ProjectV2Connection

A list of projects under the owner.

pronouns String

The user's profile pronouns

publicKeys PublicKeyConnection

A list of public keys associated with this user.

pullRequests PullRequestConnection

A list of pull requests associated with this user.

recentProjects ProjectV2Connection

Recent projects that this user has modified in the context of the owner.

repositories RepositoryConnection

A list of repositories that the user owns.

repositoriesContributedTo RepositoryConnection

A list of repositories that the user recently contributed to.

repository Repository

Find Repository.

repositoryDiscussionComments DiscussionCommentConnection

Discussion comments this user has authored.

repositoryDiscussions DiscussionConnection

Discussions this user has started.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this user

savedReplies SavedReplyConnection

Replies this user has saved

socialAccounts SocialAccountConnection

The user's social media accounts, ordered as they appear on the user's profile.

sponsoring SponsorConnection

List of users and organizations this entity is sponsoring.

List of sponsors for this user or organization.

sponsorsActivities SponsorsActivityConnection

Events involving this sponsorable, such as new sponsorships.

sponsorsListing SponsorsListing

The GitHub Sponsors listing for this user or organization.

sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor Sponsorship

The sponsorship from the viewer to this user/organization; that is, the sponsorship where you're the sponsor.

sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable Sponsorship

The sponsorship from this user/organization to the viewer; that is, the sponsorship you're receiving.

sponsorshipNewsletters SponsorshipNewsletterConnection

List of sponsorship updates sent from this sponsorable to sponsors.

sponsorshipsAsMaintainer SponsorshipConnection

The sponsorships where this user or organization is the maintainer receiving the funds.

sponsorshipsAsSponsor SponsorshipConnection

The sponsorships where this user or organization is the funder.

starredRepositories StarredRepositoryConnection

Repositories the user has starred.

status UserStatus

The user's description of what they're currently doing.

suggestedListNames UserListSuggestion []

Suggested names for user lists

topRepositories RepositoryConnection

Repositories the user has contributed to, ordered by contribution rank, plus repositories the user has created

totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents Int

The amount in United States cents (e.g., 500 = $5.00 USD) that this entity has
spent on GitHub to fund sponsorships. Only returns a value when viewed by the
user themselves or by a user who can manage sponsorships for the requested organization.

twitterUsername String

The user's Twitter username.

updatedAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this user

viewerCanChangePinnedItems Boolean

Can the viewer pin repositories and gists to the profile?

viewerCanCreateProjects Boolean

Can the current viewer create new projects on this owner.

viewerCanFollow Boolean

Whether or not the viewer is able to follow the user.

viewerCanSponsor Boolean

Whether or not the viewer is able to sponsor this user/organization.

viewerIsFollowing Boolean

Whether or not this user is followed by the viewer. Inverse of isFollowingViewer.

viewerIsSponsoring Boolean

True if the viewer is sponsoring this user/organization.

A list of repositories the given user is watching.

websiteUrl URI

A URL pointing to the user's public website/blog.

Github GraphQL API

The user who made the contributions in this collection.

Github GraphQL API