Github API - Test Config

UpdatePatreonSponsorabilityPayload [object]

Autogenerated return type of UpdatePatreonSponsorability

clientMutationId String

String [scalar]

The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

Github GraphQL API

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

sponsorsListing SponsorsListing

SponsorsListing [object]

A GitHub Sponsors listing.

activeGoal SponsorsGoal

The current goal the maintainer is trying to reach with GitHub Sponsors, if any.

activeStripeConnectAccount StripeConnectAccount

The Stripe Connect account currently in use for payouts for this Sponsors
listing, if any. Will only return a value when queried by the maintainer
themselves, or by an admin of the sponsorable organization.

billingCountryOrRegion String

The name of the country or region with the maintainer's bank account or fiscal
host. Will only return a value when queried by the maintainer themselves, or
by an admin of the sponsorable organization.

contactEmailAddress String

The email address used by GitHub to contact the sponsorable about their GitHub
Sponsors profile. Will only return a value when queried by the maintainer
themselves, or by an admin of the sponsorable organization.

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

dashboardResourcePath URI

The HTTP path for the Sponsors dashboard for this Sponsors listing.

dashboardUrl URI

The HTTP URL for the Sponsors dashboard for this Sponsors listing.

featuredItems SponsorsListingFeaturedItem []

The records featured on the GitHub Sponsors profile.

fiscalHost Organization

The fiscal host used for payments, if any. Will only return a value when
queried by the maintainer themselves, or by an admin of the sponsorable organization.

fullDescription String

The full description of the listing.

fullDescriptionHTML HTML

The full description of the listing rendered to HTML.

id ID

The Node ID of the SponsorsListing object

isPublic Boolean

Whether this listing is publicly visible.

name String

The listing's full name.

nextPayoutDate Date

A future date on which this listing is eligible to receive a payout.

residenceCountryOrRegion String

The name of the country or region where the maintainer resides. Will only
return a value when queried by the maintainer themselves, or by an admin of
the sponsorable organization.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this Sponsors listing.

shortDescription String

The short description of the listing.

slug String

The short name of the listing.

sponsorable Sponsorable

The entity this listing represents who can be sponsored on GitHub Sponsors.

The tiers for this GitHub Sponsors profile.

url URI

The HTTP URL for this Sponsors listing.

Github GraphQL API

The GitHub Sponsors profile.

Github GraphQL API