Github API - Test Config

3904 [object]

machines codespace-machine []

codespace-machine [object]

A description of the machine powering a codespace.

cpus integer

How many cores are available to the codespace.

display_name string

The display name of the machine includes cores, memory, and storage.

memory_in_bytes integer

How much memory is available to the codespace.

name string

The name of the machine.

operating_system string

The operating system of the machine.

prebuild_availability string

Whether a prebuild is currently available when creating a codespace for this machine and repository. If a branch was not specified as a ref, the default branch will be assumed. Value will be "null" if prebuilds are not supported or prebuild availability could not be determined. Value will be "none" if no prebuild is available. Latest values "ready" and "in_progress" indicate the prebuild availability status.

storage_in_bytes integer

How much storage is available to the codespace.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

total_count integer

integer [scalar]

The OpenAPI integer type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)