Github API - Test Config

issue-event [object]

Issue Event

actor nullable-simple-user

nullable-simple-user [object]

A GitHub user.

avatar_url string

email string

events_url string

followers_url string

following_url string

gists_url string

gravatar_id string

html_url string

id integer

login string

name string

node_id string

organizations_url string

received_events_url string

repos_url string

site_admin boolean

starred_at string

starred_url string

subscriptions_url string

type string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

assignee nullable-simple-user

nullable-simple-user [object]

A GitHub user.

avatar_url string

email string

events_url string

followers_url string

following_url string

gists_url string

gravatar_id string

html_url string

id integer

login string

name string

node_id string

organizations_url string

received_events_url string

repos_url string

site_admin boolean

starred_at string

starred_url string

subscriptions_url string

type string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

assigner nullable-simple-user

nullable-simple-user [object]

A GitHub user.

avatar_url string

email string

events_url string

followers_url string

following_url string

gists_url string

gravatar_id string

html_url string

id integer

login string

name string

node_id string

organizations_url string

received_events_url string

repos_url string

site_admin boolean

starred_at string

starred_url string

subscriptions_url string

type string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

author_association author-association

author-association [scalar]

How the author is associated with the repository.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

commit_id string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

commit_url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

created_at string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

dismissed_review issue-event-dismissed-review

issue-event-dismissed-review [object]

dismissal_commit_id string

dismissal_message string

review_id integer

state string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

event string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

id integer

integer [scalar]

The OpenAPI integer type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

issue nullable-issue

nullable-issue [object]

Issues are a great way to keep track of tasks, enhancements, and bugs for your projects.

active_lock_reason string

assignees simple-user []

author_association author-association

body string

Contents of the issue

body_html string

body_text string

closed_at string

comments integer

comments_url string

created_at string

draft boolean

events_url string

html_url string

id integer

labels unknown []

labels_url string

locked boolean

milestone nullable-milestone

node_id string

number integer

Number uniquely identifying the issue within its repository

performed_via_github_app nullable-integration

pull_request 2032

reactions reaction-rollup

repository repository

repository_url string

state string

State of the issue; either 'open' or 'closed'

state_reason string

The reason for the current state

timeline_url string

title string

Title of the issue

updated_at string

url string

URL for the issue

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

label issue-event-label

issue-event-label [object]

Issue Event Label

color string

name string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

lock_reason string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

milestone issue-event-milestone

issue-event-milestone [object]

Issue Event Milestone

title string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

node_id string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

performed_via_github_app nullable-integration

nullable-integration [object]

GitHub apps are a new way to extend GitHub. They can be installed directly on organizations and user accounts and granted access to specific repositories. They come with granular permissions and built-in webhooks. GitHub apps are first class actors within GitHub.

client_id string

client_secret string

created_at string

description string

events string []

external_url string

html_url string

id integer

Unique identifier of the GitHub app

installations_count integer

The number of installations associated with the GitHub app

name string

The name of the GitHub app

node_id string

pem string

permissions 2031

The set of permissions for the GitHub app

slug string

The slug name of the GitHub app

updated_at string

webhook_secret string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

project_card issue-event-project-card

issue-event-project-card [object]

Issue Event Project Card

column_name string

id integer

previous_column_name string

project_id integer

project_url string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

rename issue-event-rename

issue-event-rename [object]

Issue Event Rename

from string

to string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

requested_reviewer nullable-simple-user

nullable-simple-user [object]

A GitHub user.

avatar_url string

email string

events_url string

followers_url string

following_url string

gists_url string

gravatar_id string

html_url string

id integer

login string

name string

node_id string

organizations_url string

received_events_url string

repos_url string

site_admin boolean

starred_at string

starred_url string

subscriptions_url string

type string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

requested_team team

team [object]

Groups of organization members that gives permissions on specified repositories.

description string

html_url string

id integer

members_url string

name string

node_id string

permission string

permissions 2118

privacy string

repositories_url string

slug string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

review_requester nullable-simple-user

nullable-simple-user [object]

A GitHub user.

avatar_url string

email string

events_url string

followers_url string

following_url string

gists_url string

gravatar_id string

html_url string

id integer

login string

name string

node_id string

organizations_url string

received_events_url string

repos_url string

site_admin boolean

starred_at string

starred_url string

subscriptions_url string

type string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)