Github API - Test Config

installation-token [object]

Authentication token for a GitHub App installed on a user or org.

expires_at string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

has_multiple_single_files boolean

boolean [scalar]

The OpenAPI boolean type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

permissions app-permissions

app-permissions [object]

The permissions granted to the user-to-server access token.

actions string

The level of permission to grant the access token for GitHub Actions workflows, workflow runs, and artifacts.

administration string

The level of permission to grant the access token for repository creation, deletion, settings, teams, and collaborators creation.

checks string

The level of permission to grant the access token for checks on code.

contents string

The level of permission to grant the access token for repository contents, commits, branches, downloads, releases, and merges.

deployments string

The level of permission to grant the access token for deployments and deployment statuses.

environments string

The level of permission to grant the access token for managing repository environments.

issues string

The level of permission to grant the access token for issues and related comments, assignees, labels, and milestones.

members string

The level of permission to grant the access token for organization teams and members.

metadata string

The level of permission to grant the access token to search repositories, list collaborators, and access repository metadata.

organization_administration string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage access to an organization.

organization_announcement_banners string

The level of permission to grant the access token to view and manage announcement banners for an organization.

organization_custom_roles string

The level of permission to grant the access token for custom repository roles management. This property is in beta and is subject to change.

organization_hooks string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage the post-receive hooks for an organization.

organization_packages string

The level of permission to grant the access token for organization packages published to GitHub Packages.

organization_plan string

The level of permission to grant the access token for viewing an organization's plan.

organization_projects string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage organization projects and projects beta (where available).

organization_secrets string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage organization secrets.

organization_self_hosted_runners string

The level of permission to grant the access token to view and manage GitHub Actions self-hosted runners available to an organization.

organization_user_blocking string

The level of permission to grant the access token to view and manage users blocked by the organization.

packages string

The level of permission to grant the access token for packages published to GitHub Packages.

pages string

The level of permission to grant the access token to retrieve Pages statuses, configuration, and builds, as well as create new builds.

pull_requests string

The level of permission to grant the access token for pull requests and related comments, assignees, labels, milestones, and merges.

repository_announcement_banners string

The level of permission to grant the access token to view and manage announcement banners for a repository.

repository_hooks string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage the post-receive hooks for a repository.

repository_projects string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage repository projects, columns, and cards.

secret_scanning_alerts string

The level of permission to grant the access token to view and manage secret scanning alerts.

secrets string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage repository secrets.

security_events string

The level of permission to grant the access token to view and manage security events like code scanning alerts.

single_file string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage just a single file.

statuses string

The level of permission to grant the access token for commit statuses.

team_discussions string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage team discussions and related comments.

vulnerability_alerts string

The level of permission to grant the access token to manage Dependabot alerts.

workflows string

The level of permission to grant the access token to update GitHub Actions workflow files.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

repositories repository []

repository [object]

A repository on GitHub.

allow_auto_merge boolean

Whether to allow Auto-merge to be used on pull requests.

allow_forking boolean

Whether to allow forking this repo

allow_merge_commit boolean

Whether to allow merge commits for pull requests.

allow_rebase_merge boolean

Whether to allow rebase merges for pull requests.

allow_squash_merge boolean

Whether to allow squash merges for pull requests.

allow_update_branch boolean

Whether or not a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch can always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging.

anonymous_access_enabled boolean

Whether anonymous git access is enabled for this repository

archive_url string

archived boolean

Whether the repository is archived.

assignees_url string

blobs_url string

branches_url string

clone_url string

collaborators_url string

comments_url string

commits_url string

compare_url string

contents_url string

contributors_url string

created_at string

default_branch string

The default branch of the repository.

delete_branch_on_merge boolean

Whether to delete head branches when pull requests are merged

deployments_url string

description string

disabled boolean

Returns whether or not this repository disabled.

downloads_url string

events_url string

fork boolean

forks integer

forks_count integer

forks_url string

full_name string

git_commits_url string

git_refs_url string

git_tags_url string

git_url string

has_discussions boolean

Whether discussions are enabled.

has_downloads boolean

Whether downloads are enabled.

has_issues boolean

Whether issues are enabled.

has_pages boolean

has_projects boolean

Whether projects are enabled.

has_wiki boolean

Whether the wiki is enabled.

homepage string

hooks_url string

html_url string

id integer

Unique identifier of the repository

is_template boolean

Whether this repository acts as a template that can be used to generate new repositories.

issue_comment_url string

issue_events_url string

issues_url string

keys_url string

labels_url string

language string

languages_url string

master_branch string

merge_commit_message string

The default value for a merge commit message.

  • PR_TITLE - default to the pull request's title.
  • PR_BODY - default to the pull request's body.
  • BLANK - default to a blank commit message.

merge_commit_title string

The default value for a merge commit title.

  • PR_TITLE - default to the pull request's title.
  • MERGE_MESSAGE - default to the classic title for a merge message (e.g., Merge pull request #123 from branch-name).

merges_url string

milestones_url string

mirror_url string

name string

The name of the repository.

network_count integer

node_id string

notifications_url string

open_issues integer

open_issues_count integer

organization nullable-simple-user

owner simple-user

permissions 2101

private boolean

Whether the repository is private or public.

pulls_url string

pushed_at string

releases_url string

size integer

The size of the repository. Size is calculated hourly. When a repository is initially created, the size is 0.

squash_merge_commit_message string

The default value for a squash merge commit message:

  • PR_BODY - default to the pull request's body.
  • COMMIT_MESSAGES - default to the branch's commit messages.
  • BLANK - default to a blank commit message.

squash_merge_commit_title string

The default value for a squash merge commit title:

  • PR_TITLE - default to the pull request's title.
  • COMMIT_OR_PR_TITLE - default to the commit's title (if only one commit) or the pull request's title (when more than one commit).

ssh_url string

stargazers_count integer

stargazers_url string

starred_at string

statuses_url string

subscribers_count integer

subscribers_url string

subscription_url string

svn_url string

tags_url string

teams_url string

temp_clone_token string

template_repository 2102

topics string []

trees_url string

updated_at string

url string

use_squash_pr_title_as_default boolean

Whether a squash merge commit can use the pull request title as default. **This property has been deprecated. Please use squash_merge_commit_title instead.

visibility string

The repository visibility: public, private, or internal.

watchers integer

watchers_count integer

web_commit_signoff_required boolean

Whether to require contributors to sign off on web-based commits

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

repository_selection string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

single_file string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

single_file_paths string []

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

token string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)