dependabot-alert-with-repository [object]
A Dependabot alert.
alert-created-at [scalar]
The time that the alert was created in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
1971 [object]
Details for the vulnerable dependency.
The full path to the dependency manifest file, relative to the root of the repository.
The execution scope of the vulnerable dependency.
Details for the vulnerable dependency.
alert-dismissed-at [scalar]
The time that the alert was dismissed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
nullable-simple-user [object]
A GitHub user.
An optional comment associated with the alert's dismissal.
The reason that the alert was dismissed.
alert-fixed-at [scalar]
The time that the alert was no longer detected and was considered fixed in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
simple-repository [object]
A GitHub repository.
A template for the API URL to download the repository as an archive.
A template for the API URL to list the available assignees for issues in the repository.
A template for the API URL to create or retrieve a raw Git blob in the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about branches in the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about collaborators of the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about comments on the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about commits on the repository.
A template for the API URL to compare two commits or refs.
A template for the API URL to get the contents of the repository.
A template for the API URL to list the contributors to the repository.
The API URL to list the deployments of the repository.
The repository description.
The API URL to list the downloads on the repository.
The API URL to list the events of the repository.
Whether the repository is a fork.
The API URL to list the forks of the repository.
The full, globally unique, name of the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about Git commits of the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about Git refs of the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about Git tags of the repository.
The API URL to list the hooks on the repository.
The URL to view the repository on
A unique identifier of the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about issue comments on the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about issue events on the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about issues on the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about deploy keys on the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about labels of the repository.
The API URL to get information about the languages of the repository.
The API URL to merge branches in the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about milestones of the repository.
The name of the repository.
The GraphQL identifier of the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about notifications on the repository.
Whether the repository is private.
A template for the API URL to get information about pull requests on the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about releases on the repository.
The API URL to list the stargazers on the repository.
A template for the API URL to get information about statuses of a commit.
The API URL to list the subscribers on the repository.
The API URL to subscribe to notifications for this repository.
The API URL to get information about tags on the repository.
The API URL to list the teams on the repository.
A template for the API URL to create or retrieve a raw Git tree of the repository.
The URL to get more information about the repository from the GitHub API.
dependabot-alert-security-advisory [object]
Details for the GitHub Security Advisory.
The unique CVE ID assigned to the advisory.
Details for the advisory pertaining to the Common Vulnerability Scoring System.
A long-form Markdown-supported description of the advisory.
The unique GitHub Security Advisory ID assigned to the advisory.
The time that the advisory was published in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
The severity of the advisory.
A short, plain text summary of the advisory.
The time that the advisory was last modified in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
The time that the advisory was withdrawn in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
dependabot-alert-security-vulnerability [object]
Details pertaining to one vulnerable version range for the advisory.
Details pertaining to the package version that patches this vulnerability.
The severity of the vulnerability.
Conditions that identify vulnerable versions of this vulnerability's package.
The state of the Dependabot alert.
alert-updated-at [scalar]
The time that the alert was last updated in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ