Github API - Test Config

codespace [object]

A codespace.

billable_owner simple-user

simple-user [object]

A GitHub user.

avatar_url string

email string

events_url string

followers_url string

following_url string

gists_url string

gravatar_id string

html_url string

id integer

login string

name string

node_id string

organizations_url string

received_events_url string

repos_url string

site_admin boolean

starred_at string

starred_url string

subscriptions_url string

type string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

created_at string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

devcontainer_path string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Path to devcontainer.json from repo root used to create Codespace.

display_name string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Display name for this codespace.

environment_id string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

UUID identifying this codespace's environment.

git_status 1942

1942 [object]

Details about the codespace's git repository.

ahead integer

The number of commits the local repository is ahead of the remote.

behind integer

The number of commits the local repository is behind the remote.

has_uncommitted_changes boolean

Whether the local repository has uncommitted changes.

has_unpushed_changes boolean

Whether the local repository has unpushed changes.

ref string

The current branch (or SHA if in detached HEAD state) of the local repository.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Details about the codespace's git repository.

id integer

integer [scalar]

The OpenAPI integer type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

idle_timeout_minutes integer

integer [scalar]

The OpenAPI integer type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

The number of minutes of inactivity after which this codespace will be automatically stopped.

idle_timeout_notice string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Text to show user when codespace idle timeout minutes has been overriden by an organization policy

last_known_stop_notice string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

The text to display to a user when a codespace has been stopped for a potentially actionable reason.

last_used_at string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Last known time this codespace was started.

location string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

The Azure region where this codespace is located.

machine nullable-codespace-machine

nullable-codespace-machine [object]

A description of the machine powering a codespace.

cpus integer

How many cores are available to the codespace.

display_name string

The display name of the machine includes cores, memory, and storage.

memory_in_bytes integer

How much memory is available to the codespace.

name string

The name of the machine.

operating_system string

The operating system of the machine.

prebuild_availability string

Whether a prebuild is currently available when creating a codespace for this machine and repository. If a branch was not specified as a ref, the default branch will be assumed. Value will be "null" if prebuilds are not supported or prebuild availability could not be determined. Value will be "none" if no prebuild is available. Latest values "ready" and "in_progress" indicate the prebuild availability status.

storage_in_bytes integer

How much storage is available to the codespace.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

machines_url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

API URL to access available alternate machine types for this codespace.

name string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Automatically generated name of this codespace.

owner simple-user

simple-user [object]

A GitHub user.

avatar_url string

email string

events_url string

followers_url string

following_url string

gists_url string

gravatar_id string

html_url string

id integer

login string

name string

node_id string

organizations_url string

received_events_url string

repos_url string

site_admin boolean

starred_at string

starred_url string

subscriptions_url string

type string

url string

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

pending_operation boolean

boolean [scalar]

The OpenAPI boolean type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Whether or not a codespace has a pending async operation. This would mean that the codespace is temporarily unavailable. The only thing that you can do with a codespace in this state is delete it.

pending_operation_disabled_reason string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Text to show user when codespace is disabled by a pending operation

prebuild boolean

boolean [scalar]

The OpenAPI boolean type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Whether the codespace was created from a prebuild.

publish_url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

API URL to publish this codespace to a new repository.

pulls_url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

API URL for the Pull Request associated with this codespace, if any.

recent_folders string []

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

repository minimal-repository

minimal-repository [object]

Minimal Repository

allow_forking boolean

archive_url string

archived boolean

assignees_url string

blobs_url string

branches_url string

clone_url string

code_of_conduct code-of-conduct

collaborators_url string

comments_url string

commits_url string

compare_url string

contents_url string

contributors_url string

created_at string

default_branch string

delete_branch_on_merge boolean

deployments_url string

description string

disabled boolean

downloads_url string

events_url string

fork boolean

forks integer

forks_count integer

forks_url string

full_name string

git_commits_url string

git_refs_url string

git_tags_url string

git_url string

has_discussions boolean

has_downloads boolean

has_issues boolean

has_pages boolean

has_projects boolean

has_wiki boolean

homepage string

hooks_url string

html_url string

id integer

is_template boolean

issue_comment_url string

issue_events_url string

issues_url string

keys_url string

labels_url string

language string

languages_url string

license 2027

merges_url string

milestones_url string

mirror_url string

name string

network_count integer

node_id string

notifications_url string

open_issues integer

open_issues_count integer

owner simple-user

permissions 2028

private boolean

pulls_url string

pushed_at string

releases_url string

role_name string

security_and_analysis security-and-analysis

size integer

The size of the repository. Size is calculated hourly. When a repository is initially created, the size is 0.

ssh_url string

stargazers_count integer

stargazers_url string

statuses_url string

subscribers_count integer

subscribers_url string

subscription_url string

svn_url string

tags_url string

teams_url string

temp_clone_token string

topics string []

trees_url string

updated_at string

url string

visibility string

watchers integer

watchers_count integer

web_commit_signoff_required boolean

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

retention_expires_at string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

When a codespace will be auto-deleted based on the "retention_period_minutes" and "last_used_at"

retention_period_minutes integer

integer [scalar]

The OpenAPI integer type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

Duration in minutes after codespace has gone idle in which it will be deleted. Must be integer minutes between 0 and 43200 (30 days).

runtime_constraints 1943

1943 [object]

allowed_port_privacy_settings string []

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

start_url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

API URL to start this codespace.

state string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

State of this codespace.

stop_url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

API URL to stop this codespace.

updated_at string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

API URL for this codespace.

web_url string

string [scalar]

The OpenAPI string type

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)

URL to access this codespace on the web.

Github Open API
(version: 1.1.4)