Github API - Test Config

MarketplaceListingEdge [object]

An edge in a connection.

cursor String

String [scalar]

The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

Github GraphQL API

A cursor for use in pagination.

node MarketplaceListing

MarketplaceListing [object]

A listing in the GitHub integration marketplace.

app App

The GitHub App this listing represents.

companyUrl URI

URL to the listing owner's company site.

configurationResourcePath URI

The HTTP path for configuring access to the listing's integration or OAuth app

configurationUrl URI

The HTTP URL for configuring access to the listing's integration or OAuth app

documentationUrl URI

URL to the listing's documentation.

extendedDescription String

The listing's detailed description.

extendedDescriptionHTML HTML

The listing's detailed description rendered to HTML.

fullDescription String

The listing's introductory description.

fullDescriptionHTML HTML

The listing's introductory description rendered to HTML.

hasPublishedFreeTrialPlans Boolean

Does this listing have any plans with a free trial?

hasTermsOfService Boolean

Does this listing have a terms of service link?

hasVerifiedOwner Boolean

Whether the creator of the app is a verified org

howItWorks String

A technical description of how this app works with GitHub.


The listing's technical description rendered to HTML.

id ID

The Node ID of the MarketplaceListing object

installationUrl URI

URL to install the product to the viewer's account or organization.

installedForViewer Boolean

Whether this listing's app has been installed for the current viewer

isArchived Boolean

Whether this listing has been removed from the Marketplace.

isDraft Boolean

Whether this listing is still an editable draft that has not been submitted
for review and is not publicly visible in the Marketplace.

isPaid Boolean

Whether the product this listing represents is available as part of a paid plan.

isPublic Boolean

Whether this listing has been approved for display in the Marketplace.

isRejected Boolean

Whether this listing has been rejected by GitHub for display in the Marketplace.

isUnverified Boolean

Whether this listing has been approved for unverified display in the Marketplace.

isUnverifiedPending Boolean

Whether this draft listing has been submitted for review for approval to be unverified in the Marketplace.

isVerificationPendingFromDraft Boolean

Whether this draft listing has been submitted for review from GitHub for approval to be verified in the Marketplace.

isVerificationPendingFromUnverified Boolean

Whether this unverified listing has been submitted for review from GitHub for approval to be verified in the Marketplace.

isVerified Boolean

Whether this listing has been approved for verified display in the Marketplace.

logoBackgroundColor String

The hex color code, without the leading '#', for the logo background.

logoUrl URI

URL for the listing's logo image.

name String

The listing's full name.

normalizedShortDescription String

The listing's very short description without a trailing period or ampersands.

pricingUrl URI

URL to the listing's detailed pricing.

primaryCategory MarketplaceCategory

The category that best describes the listing.

privacyPolicyUrl URI

URL to the listing's privacy policy, may return an empty string for listings that do not require a privacy policy URL.

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for the Marketplace listing.

screenshotUrls String []

The URLs for the listing's screenshots.

secondaryCategory MarketplaceCategory

An alternate category that describes the listing.

shortDescription String

The listing's very short description.

slug String

The short name of the listing used in its URL.

statusUrl URI

URL to the listing's status page.

supportEmail String

An email address for support for this listing's app.

supportUrl URI

Either a URL or an email address for support for this listing's app, may
return an empty string for listings that do not require a support URL.

termsOfServiceUrl URI

URL to the listing's terms of service.

url URI

The HTTP URL for the Marketplace listing.

viewerCanAddPlans Boolean

Can the current viewer add plans for this Marketplace listing.

viewerCanApprove Boolean

Can the current viewer approve this Marketplace listing.

viewerCanDelist Boolean

Can the current viewer delist this Marketplace listing.

viewerCanEdit Boolean

Can the current viewer edit this Marketplace listing.

viewerCanEditCategories Boolean

Can the current viewer edit the primary and secondary category of this
Marketplace listing.

viewerCanEditPlans Boolean

Can the current viewer edit the plans for this Marketplace listing.

viewerCanRedraft Boolean

Can the current viewer return this Marketplace listing to draft state
so it becomes editable again.

viewerCanReject Boolean

Can the current viewer reject this Marketplace listing by returning it to
an editable draft state or rejecting it entirely.

viewerCanRequestApproval Boolean

Can the current viewer request this listing be reviewed for display in
the Marketplace as verified.

viewerHasPurchased Boolean

Indicates whether the current user has an active subscription to this Marketplace listing.

viewerHasPurchasedForAllOrganizations Boolean

Indicates if the current user has purchased a subscription to this Marketplace listing
for all of the organizations the user owns.

viewerIsListingAdmin Boolean

Does the current viewer role allow them to administer this Marketplace listing.

Github GraphQL API

The item at the end of the edge.

Github GraphQL API