CreateSponsorshipInput [input]
Autogenerated input type of CreateSponsorship
The amount to pay to the sponsorable in US dollars. Required if a tierId is not specified. Valid values: 1-12000.
A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
Whether the sponsorship should happen monthly/yearly or just this one time. Required if a tierId is not specified.
Specify whether others should be able to see that the sponsor is sponsoring
the sponsorable. Public visibility still does not reveal which tier is used.
Whether the sponsor should receive email updates from the sponsorable.
The ID of the user or organization who is acting as the sponsor, paying for
the sponsorship. Required if sponsorLogin is not given.
The username of the user or organization who is acting as the sponsor, paying
for the sponsorship. Required if sponsorId is not given.
The ID of the user or organization who is receiving the sponsorship. Required if sponsorableLogin is not given.
The username of the user or organization who is receiving the sponsorship. Required if sponsorableId is not given.
The ID of one of sponsorable's existing tiers to sponsor at. Required if amount is not specified.