CreateSponsorsListingInput [input]
Autogenerated input type of CreateSponsorsListing
The country or region where the sponsorable's bank account is located.
Required if fiscalHostLogin is not specified, ignored when fiscalHostLogin is specified.
A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
The email address we should use to contact you about the GitHub Sponsors
profile being created. This will not be shared publicly. Must be a verified
email address already on your GitHub account. Only relevant when the
sponsorable is yourself. Defaults to your primary email address on file if omitted.
The username of the supported fiscal host's GitHub organization, if you want
to receive sponsorship payouts through a fiscal host rather than directly to a
bank account. For example, 'Open-Source-Collective' for Open Source Collective
or 'numfocus' for numFOCUS. Case insensitive. See
for more information.
The URL for your profile page on the fiscal host's website, e.g., or
Required if fiscalHostLogin is specified.
Provide an introduction to serve as the main focus that appears on your GitHub
Sponsors profile. It's a great opportunity to help potential sponsors learn
more about you, your work, and why their sponsorship is important to you.
GitHub-flavored Markdown is supported.
The country or region where the sponsorable resides. This is for tax purposes.
Required if the sponsorable is yourself, ignored when sponsorableLogin
specifies an organization.
The username of the organization to create a GitHub Sponsors profile for, if
desired. Defaults to creating a GitHub Sponsors profile for the authenticated
user if omitted.