Github API - Test Config

CreateCommitOnBranchPayload [object]

Autogenerated return type of CreateCommitOnBranch

clientMutationId String

String [scalar]

The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

Github GraphQL API

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

commit Commit

Commit [object]

Represents a Git commit.

abbreviatedOid String

An abbreviated version of the Git object ID

additions Int

The number of additions in this commit.

associatedPullRequests PullRequestConnection

The merged Pull Request that introduced the commit to the repository. If the
commit is not present in the default branch, additionally returns open Pull
Requests associated with the commit

author GitActor

Authorship details of the commit.

authoredByCommitter Boolean

Check if the committer and the author match.

authoredDate DateTime

The datetime when this commit was authored.

The list of authors for this commit based on the git author and the Co-authored-by
message trailer. The git author will always be first.

blame Blame

Fetches git blame information.

changedFiles Int

We recommend using the changedFilesIfAvailable field instead of
changedFiles, as changedFiles will cause your request to return an error
if GitHub is unable to calculate the number of changed files.

Deprecated: `changedFiles` will be removed. Use `changedFilesIfAvailable` instead. Removal on 2023-01-01 UTC.
changedFilesIfAvailable Int

The number of changed files in this commit. If GitHub is unable to calculate
the number of changed files (for example due to a timeout), this will return
null. We recommend using this field instead of changedFiles.

checkSuites CheckSuiteConnection

The check suites associated with a commit.

Comments made on the commit.

commitResourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this Git object

commitUrl URI

The HTTP URL for this Git object

committedDate DateTime

The datetime when this commit was committed.

committedViaWeb Boolean

Check if committed via GitHub web UI.

committer GitActor

Committer details of the commit.

deletions Int

The number of deletions in this commit.

deployments DeploymentConnection

The deployments associated with a commit.

file TreeEntry

The tree entry representing the file located at the given path.

The linear commit history starting from (and including) this commit, in the same order as git log.

id ID

The Node ID of the Commit object

message String

The Git commit message

messageBody String

The Git commit message body

messageBodyHTML HTML

The commit message body rendered to HTML.

messageHeadline String

The Git commit message headline

messageHeadlineHTML HTML

The commit message headline rendered to HTML.

The Git object ID

onBehalfOf Organization

The organization this commit was made on behalf of.

The parents of a commit.

pushedDate DateTime

The datetime when this commit was pushed.

Deprecated: `pushedDate` is no longer supported. Removal on 2023-07-01 UTC.
repository Repository

The Repository this commit belongs to

resourcePath URI

The HTTP path for this commit

signature GitSignature

Commit signing information, if present.

status Status

Status information for this commit

statusCheckRollup StatusCheckRollup

Check and Status rollup information for this commit.

submodules SubmoduleConnection

Returns a list of all submodules in this repository as of this Commit parsed from the .gitmodules file.

tarballUrl URI

Returns a URL to download a tarball archive for a repository.
Note: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire after five minutes.

tree Tree

Commit's root Tree

treeResourcePath URI

The HTTP path for the tree of this commit

treeUrl URI

The HTTP URL for the tree of this commit

url URI

The HTTP URL for this commit

viewerCanSubscribe Boolean

Check if the viewer is able to change their subscription status for the repository.

viewerSubscription SubscriptionState

Identifies if the viewer is watching, not watching, or ignoring the subscribable entity.

zipballUrl URI

Returns a URL to download a zipball archive for a repository.
Note: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire after five minutes.

Github GraphQL API

The new commit.

ref Ref

Ref [object]

Represents a Git reference.

associatedPullRequests PullRequestConnection

A list of pull requests with this ref as the head ref.

branchProtectionRule BranchProtectionRule

Branch protection rules for this ref

compare Comparison

Compares the current ref as a base ref to another head ref, if the comparison can be made.

id ID

The Node ID of the Ref object

name String

The ref name.

prefix String

The ref's prefix, such as refs/heads/ or refs/tags/.

refUpdateRule RefUpdateRule

Branch protection rules that are viewable by non-admins

repository Repository

The repository the ref belongs to.

A list of rules from active Repository and Organization rulesets that apply to this ref.

target GitObject

The object the ref points to. Returns null when object does not exist.

Github GraphQL API

The ref which has been updated to point to the new commit.

Github GraphQL API