Github API - Test Config

CreateCommitOnBranchInput [input]

Autogenerated input type of CreateCommitOnBranch

branch CommittableBranch

CommittableBranch [input]

A git ref for a commit to be appended to.

The ref must be a branch, i.e. its fully qualified name must start
with refs/heads/ (although the input is not required to be fully

The Ref may be specified by its global node ID or by the
repositoryNameWithOwner and branchName.


Specify a branch using a global node ID:

{ "id": "MDM6UmVmMTpyZWZzL2hlYWRzL21haW4=" }

Specify a branch using repositoryNameWithOwner and branchName:

  "repositoryNameWithOwner": "github/graphql-client",
  "branchName": "main"

branchName String

The unqualified name of the branch to append the commit to.

id ID

The Node ID of the Ref to be updated.

repositoryNameWithOwner String

The nameWithOwner of the repository to commit to.

Github GraphQL API

The Ref to be updated. Must be a branch.

clientMutationId String

String [scalar]

The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

Github GraphQL API

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

expectedHeadOid GitObjectID

GitObjectID [scalar]

A Git object ID.

Github GraphQL API

The git commit oid expected at the head of the branch prior to the commit

fileChanges FileChanges

FileChanges [input]

A description of a set of changes to a file tree to be made as part of
a git commit, modeled as zero or more file additions and zero or more
file deletions.

Both fields are optional; omitting both will produce a commit with no
file changes.

deletions and additions describe changes to files identified
by their path in the git tree using unix-style path separators, i.e.
/. The root of a git tree is an empty string, so paths are not

path values must be unique across all additions and deletions
provided. Any duplication will result in a validation error.


File contents must be provided in full for each FileAddition.

The contents of a FileAddition must be encoded using RFC 4648
compliant base64, i.e. correct padding is required and no characters
outside the standard alphabet may be used. Invalid base64
encoding will be rejected with a validation error.

The encoded contents may be binary.

For text files, no assumptions are made about the character encoding of
the file contents (after base64 decoding). No charset transcoding or
line-ending normalization will be performed; it is the client's
responsibility to manage the character encoding of files they provide.
However, for maximum compatibility we recommend using UTF-8 encoding
and ensuring that all files in a repository use a consistent
line-ending convention (\n or \r\n), and that all files end
with a newline.

Modeling file changes

Each of the the five types of conceptual changes that can be made in a
git commit can be described using the FileChanges type as follows:

  1. New file addition: create file hello world\n at path docs/README.txt:

      "additions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt",
          "contents": base64encode("hello world\n")
  2. Existing file modification: change existing docs/README.txt to have new
    content new content here\n:

      "additions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt",
          "contents": base64encode("new content here\n")
  3. Existing file deletion: remove existing file docs/README.txt.
    Note that the path is required to exist -- specifying a
    path that does not exist on the given branch will abort the
    commit and return an error.

      "deletions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt"
  4. File rename with no changes: rename docs/README.txt with
    previous content hello world\n to the same content at

      "deletions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt",
      "additions" [
          "path": "newdocs/README.txt",
          "contents": base64encode("hello world\n")
  5. File rename with changes: rename docs/README.txt with
    previous content hello world\n to a file at path
    newdocs/README.txt with content new contents\n:

      "deletions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt",
      "additions" [
          "path": "newdocs/README.txt",
          "contents": base64encode("new contents\n")

additions FileAddition []

File to add or change.

deletions FileDeletion []

Files to delete.

Github GraphQL API

A description of changes to files in this commit.

message CommitMessage

CommitMessage [input]

A message to include with a new commit

body String

The body of the message.

headline String

The headline of the message.

Github GraphQL API

The commit message the be included with the commit.

Github GraphQL API