Github API - Test Config

AddReactionPayload [object]

Autogenerated return type of AddReaction

clientMutationId String

String [scalar]

The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

Github GraphQL API

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

reaction Reaction

Reaction [object]

An emoji reaction to a particular piece of content.

content ReactionContent

Identifies the emoji reaction.

createdAt DateTime

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

databaseId Int

Identifies the primary key from the database.

id ID

The Node ID of the Reaction object

reactable Reactable

The reactable piece of content

user User

Identifies the user who created this reaction.

Github GraphQL API

The reaction object.

reactionGroups ReactionGroup []

ReactionGroup [object]

A group of emoji reactions to a particular piece of content.

content ReactionContent

Identifies the emoji reaction.

createdAt DateTime

Identifies when the reaction was created.

Reactors to the reaction subject with the emotion represented by this reaction group.

subject Reactable

The subject that was reacted to.

Users who have reacted to the reaction subject with the emotion represented by this reaction group

Deprecated: Reactors can now be mannequins, bots, and organizations. Use the `reactors` field instead. Removal on 2021-10-01 UTC.
viewerHasReacted Boolean

Whether or not the authenticated user has left a reaction on the subject.

Github GraphQL API

The reaction groups for the subject.

subject Reactable

Reactable [interface]

Represents a subject that can be reacted on.

databaseId Int

Identifies the primary key from the database.

id ID

The Node ID of the Reactable object

reactionGroups ReactionGroup []

A list of reactions grouped by content left on the subject.

reactions ReactionConnection

A list of Reactions left on the Issue.

viewerCanReact Boolean

Can user react to this subject

Github GraphQL API

The reactable subject.

Github GraphQL API